Math - Algebra

Grading system:

Attendence at problem sessions and at lectures is required. A student may have maximum 20% unexcused absenses at problem sessions and maximum 30% unexcused absenses at lectures.

For the problem classes course, there will be 3 quizes in the semester, each containing 3 problems giving maximum 3 points each. Additionally, one can gain 0-7 points for activity during semester.

As concerns the main course (based on lectures), student can choose from two opportunities. First, as the grade for the main course can be taken the grade recieved for the problem class. Second, which excludes the first, is that the grade is given on the basis of the written final exam (taken during the weeks of final exams), at which a student can obtain 0-34 points. The first opportunity is seen as the basic one, and if a student wants to use the second one, he/she should inform the lector by mail in JSOS/USOS system before the weeks of final exams.

The grades for the both corses are assigned according to the table given below.
Points[0, 15)[15, 18)[18, 22)[22,25)[25, 29)[29, 34]

The positive grade for the final exam results in the grade 3.0 for the problem classes course.

All the tests and exams are written. In case of any doubts concerning written answers/solutions, instructor can demand that a student defend his/her answers to the test personally