Mathematical Analysis 2

Grading system:

Attendence at problem sessions and at lectures is required. A student may have maximum 20% unexcused absenses at problem sessions and maximum 30% unexcused absenses at lectures.

The problem sessions course will contain 4 quizes in the semester (15 min, 0-2 points each) and one written test at the end of the semester (45 min, 0-17 points). Additionally, one can gain 0-9 points for solving homeworks during semester.

As concerns the main course (based on lectures), grades are given on the basis of the midterm test (45 min, 0-8 points) and written final exam (given during the weeks of final exams), at which a student can obtain 0-26 points.

The points for the both corses are added, and the final grade is assigned according to the table given below.
Points[0, 30)[30, 36)[36, 44)[44,50)[50, 58)[58, 68]

All the tests and exams are written. In case of any doubts concerning written answers/solutions, instructor can demand that a student defend his/her answers to the test personally