Mathematical Analysis 2

Grading system:

Grading rules for the problem classes course are determined by the instructor of a partticular group.

For the lecture course grade, each student can choose ONE possibility from the following three:

(A) transfer the grade from the problem session course;

(B) write an exam online 19.06;

(C) write an exam (hopefully) personally at the addtional session at the end of August.

Each student has to inform me which possibility he/she is choosing by e-mail not later than 18.06. In case of no such an information is provided, the posiibility (A) will be adopted automatically.

The exams, either the online one 19.06 or the traditional one in August, are written. There will be 5 problems to solve, and the basic theoretical questions to answer; all of them covered by the worksheets we had. The maximal total amount of points is 34, and the grades will be assigned according to the table above.

Points[0, 15)[15, 18)[18, 22)[22,25)[25, 29)[29, 34]

In case of any doubts concerning written answers/solutions, instructor can demand that a student defend his/her answers to the test personally, via Zoom platform.