Mathematical Analysis 1

Grading system:

Attendence at problem sessions and at lectures is required. A student may have maximum 20% unexcused absenses at problem sessions and maximum 30% unexcused absenses at lectures. Formally, the problem sessions constitute a separate course, for which a student receives a grade. As concerns this course, there will be one written middterm test (45 min, 10 points) and one written test at the end of the semester (45 min, 15 points). Additionally, one can gain 0-9 points for solving problems at home and at the board during classes. The grades will be assigned according to the table given below.
Points[0, 15)[15, 18)[18, 21)[21,24)[24, 27)[27, 34]

As concerns the main course (based on lectures), grades are given on the basis of the written final exam (given during the weeks of final exams), at which a student can obtain 0-30 points. The grades for the exam are assigned according to the table given below.
Points[0, 13)[13, 15)[15, 18)[18,20)[20, 24)[24, 30]

The grade for the main course can be raised by one half if the grade obtained in the problem session course is greater than that for the exam by at least one unit. If a student does not receive a passing grade in the problem session course, his second chance to pass it is to receive the grade 3,0 or higher at the exam.