Machine Learning

Learning materials

Lecture 2, October 15

Lecture 3, October 22

Lecture 4, October 29

Notes were not saved. We were talking about bias--variance trade off, regularization, Ridge and Lasso regression. Also about handling categorical variables by dummy encodings.

Demo code

Lectures 5--6, November 5, 12

Demo code and figures

Lecture 9, December 3

Demo code taken from scikit documentation.

Lecture 10, December 10

Lecture 11, December 17

Demo code and a picture

Lecture 13, January 14

Demo code

Lecture 14, January 15

Demo code

Assignment 1

Write neural network from scratch to deal with a classification problem of your choice.
Questions and answers:

Database with handwritten digits:
you may take the files and mnist.pkl.gz from this repository. Please read the documentation in to learn how to use it (it's simple!).

Assignment 2

Data. Look for multivariate, categorical. Iris, breast cancer and titanic (not on that webpage) are one of the most commonly used. Minimal program: use decision trees to model; check pruning, find alpha by cross-correlations (or checking on test data); check bagging and random forests.

Assignment 3

Find data that needs some processing, e.g. here. Then use SVM or k-means clustering (the choice is up to you, but you may need to choose appropriate data for doing that step).
