1. XVII Konferencja z Probabilistyki, Będlewo 2022.
           Referat: Zliczanie małych grafów w hipergrafach losowych
  2. Probability and Analysis, online 2021.
           Referat: Dirichlet heat kernels in convex domains
  3. XVI Konferencja z Probabilistyki, Będlewo 2021.
           Referat: Centralne twierdzenie graniczne dla U-statystyk
  4. Meeting Dresden-Prague-Wroclaw , Praga 2019.
           Referat: Estimates and asymptotics of solutions to some nonlinear partial differential equation
  5. Jubileuszowy Zjazd Matematyków Polskich w stulecie PTM, Kraków 2019.
           Referat: Liczba izomorficznych kopii danego grafu w grafie losowym
  6. Probability and Analysis, Będlewo 2019.
           Referat: Number of isomorphic copies of a given graph in a random graph
  7. 9th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and its Applications , Bielefeld 2018.
           Referat: Number of isomorphic copies of a given graph in a random graph
  8. XV Konferencja z Probabilistyki, Będlewo 2018.
           Referat: Liczba izomorficznych kopii danego grafu w grafie losowym
  9. Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo 2018.
           Referat: Green functions on real hyperbolic space
  10. Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics, Telč 2018.
           Referat: Two-sided estimates for solutions of fractal Burgers equation
  11. Probability and Analysis, Będlewo 2017.
           Referat: Sharp estimates for Dirichlet heat kernels in Rn
  12. Non-local Equations and Fractional Diffusion , Warwick 2017.
  13. The 8th International Conference on Lévy Processes, Angers 2016.
           Poster: Transition density estimates for Brownian motion in a ball
  14. XIV Konferencja z Probabilistyki, Będlewo 2016.
           Referat: Oszacowania gęstości przejścia ruchu Browna na kuli
  15. Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo 2016.
           Referat: Sharp estimates for Dirichlet heat kernel of Laplacian on a ball
  16. Probability and Analysis, Będlewo 2015.
           Referat: Bessel process exiting from the interval [0,1)
  17. Workshop on New Directions in Stein's Method, Singapur 2015.
  18. Probability and Analysis, Będlewo 2015.
           Referat: Bessel process exiting from the interval [0,1)
  19. XXXII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Trondheim 2014.
           Referaty: Potential theory in hyperbolic space
                         Supremum distribution of Bessel process of drifting Brownian motion
  20. XIII Konferencja z Probabilistyki, Będlewo 2014.
           Referat: Teoria potencjału hiperbolicznego ruchu Browna z dryfem
  21. Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo 2014.
           Referat: The Dirichlet problem on hyperbolic space
  22. Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications, Będlewo 2013.
  23. 7th International Conference on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications, Wrocław 2013.
           Poster: Hyperbolic Brownian motion exiting strip
  24. 6th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications, Będlewo 2013.
           Referat: Some relationships between potential theories
                        of classical and hyperbolic Brownian motion
  25. Analysys, Geometry and Probability Related to Group Actions, Zakopane 2010.
           Referat: Potential theory of the Laplace – Beltrami operator with drift
                        in real hyperbolic spaces
  26. Schrödinger operators and stochastic processes, Wrocław 2009.
  27. Workshop on jump processes, Drezno 2009.